4184 The Black Pearl (Pirates of the Caribbean)


One of the joys of buying and processing bulk lots is figuring out what sets you’ve acquired. A bulk lot I’ve been processing for some time has a near complete Black Pearl.

Since this is quite a valuable set, I’ll Bricklink the rest of the parts and re-sell it as a complete set to a collector. As part of that process, I always build the sets to ensure I really do have the correct parts in the right numbers.


Disappointingly, I discovered the tabs on the two cannon bases were broken – this is a common problem. I’ve ordered new (second hand) ones in a slightly different brown from overseas. One of the sails is also ripped, so I’m not sure what I’m going to do about that yet as I haven’t even decided the safe way to clean them yet.

I haven’t built any of these types of boats before, so it was quite fun. Here’s the time-lapse.

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